3 Simple Ways To Increase Your Eyelash Extension Client Retention

Eyelash extensions are one of the fastest growing industries right now, with more and more people looking to have their eyelashes enhanced. As an eyelash extension artist, it’s important to know how to market yourself and your business effectively so that you can retain clients and keep them coming back time after time. This article will give you 3 easy steps you can take right now to help you do just that!

What's Your Client Retention Rate?

If you have a lash client who comes in for lash extensions, you may be wondering how to increase your client retention rate. Are there things you can do before they walk out of your salon that will ensure they come back? As a lash artist, it’s crucial to retain your clientele because customer retention can help generate repeat business and referrals. Implementing these three tactics should help boost customer retention rates and keep clients coming back for more.

Volume Lash Extensions

1. Invite Them Back

With eyelash extensions, it is so important to ask clients about their next appointment. Not only can it help their lashes to remain beautiful and full, it gives you an opportunity to really cement your relationship with them. If your client's response seems hesitant to you inviting them to book their fill with you, don't pressure them! You can follow up with them in a few days on social media or via text to see how they're doing. It's best not to push a fill at this point; the main thing is that you want to build trust and this will show that you care about them. If they're really loving their lash extensions, they'll let you know that they'll want to come back!

2. Reward Your Best Clients

Recognize your best clients for their loyalty and offer them a discount after X amount of visits with you, or treat them to your other services. It's always a good idea to take care of those lash clients who continue to refer their friends or who are constantly supporting your lash business! These clients help make your marketing easier, since they do the leg-work for you, which can be a vital part of your business plan. Designate a period of time in which they will receive free upgrades on their lash service. Rewards such as a gift cards to their favorite coffee shop/restaurant (which helps to build trust since you listen to them during their services) or service add-ons can go a long way in impressing these clients and enticing them to continue visiting you for more than just their eyelashes.

3. Have Clear Policies

More often times than not, a potential client will do a little bit of research of your business before they officially book their appointment. It's important to have clear policies that protect you and your business, which also helps to set boundaries between you and your lash clients. There are some lash artists out there that have strict cancellation policies, which sometimes can do more harm than good when it comes to client retention. Some lash techs will cancel a lash client's appointment if they're 15 minutes late, but still charge them the full rate. Life happens sometimes, and you don't necessarily want to lose a good client if they're late just once. Instead, I recommend policies that protect my time but also favor my clients: if a client is 15 minutes late to their appointment, I will still complete the service but only with the remaining time and charge them full price. This way, my client doesn't feel "ripped off."

As an eyelash extension artist, you are in a very unique position to help your clients feel and look beautiful. In order to retain them for the long haul, it’s important to focus on quality of services and products, as well as effective advertising. Just because you love eyelashes doesn’t mean your clients will, too—so make sure they know what they’re getting into with your services. Don't beat yourself up if someone doesn't come back to you: focus on attracting and keeping the clients who are OBSESSED with your work.

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