Eyeliner + Eyelash Extensions: Match Made in Heaven?

There’s a lot of products that you should refrain from using when you have eyelash extensions! Luckily for you, eyeliner isn’t one of them. You can still rock your cat-eye look, but just play it safe with these tips to make sure your lash extensions retentions won’t be compromised:

Best Eyeliner Options For Eyelash Extensions

Although eyeliner is a make up product that can be worn with lash extensions, it’s best to make sure you’re selecting the right one that’s safe for use with extensions! Wearing the wrong type of eyeliner or makeup product will definitely impact your retention rate and have you visiting your lash artist much sooner than you anticipated.


It’s best practice to avoid any products that have oil in them, since they can break down the lash adhesive bond and cause lash extensions to fall out. So avoid pencil, gel or cream eyeliners, since these often are difficult to take off and leave a residue that can compromise the integrity of the lash glue bond! Avoiding waterproof types of liner, whether it’s a pen, liquid, any form for that matter, since they often have ingredients in them that make it difficult to take off, which can cause your lash extension to detach from your natural lash. The ingredients in them can also impact the lash glue bond as well!

Eye makeup and eyelash extensions


There are two types of eyeliners we recommend that are safe to use while wearing lash extensions: water-based eyeliners and powder liners! These options are readily available and still can help you to create a sultry look without compromising your lash extensions! These products are also gentler to remove, so there’s no worries about unwanted residue being left behind and wrecking havoc on the lash adhesive bond.


The most important thing to remember is to use extension safe products and to be gentle! Check out these simple steps so you can have perfect liner every time:

  1. Make sure the eye are is properly cleanser before applying the liner. We recommend using our Dual Cleansing Brush and Lash Shampoo to get the job done!
  2. Apply the liner gently and right above the lash line so not to directly apply it on your lashes. Use a mirror that is positioned below eye level so you don’t risk your lash extensions getting in the way!
  3. Draw from the inner corner of the eye towards the outer corners for a precise look.
  4. Depending on if you’re using powder liner, you can try adding a drop of water to the powder you’re using or use a damp brush so that the powder glides a bit more!

There’s no need to give up certain makeup with extensions! Whether you’re into a cat-eye look or just want a sultry liner look for a night out with the girls, your lash extensions will look fab with any look you choose! Be sure to use eyelash extension safe eyeliners and remove with a lash cleanser, and your lash tech will thank you.


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