A Guide to the Lash Meka Resources

Lash Meka is an online e-commerce that sells lashing products but at our core we are a collective of lash artists, founded by April Pahayahay, a professional in the industry with over 6 years of experience. While supplies are obviously important for lashing, more important than that is KNOWING how to use these tools! Luckily since we are a one stop shop for lash artists, we have a plethora of resources from in person training, to online books, to help you achieve your lash artists goals.
From now until August 15 2023, our in person classes are $150 off and our online classes are only $99! Here's a helpful lil guide to help you decide which class is best for you!
In Person Training
All in person training includes certification, lunch (with Starbucks), and a training kit! Please remember that we are not a cosmetology school so you may need additional licensing depending on where you plan to lash.
Classic/Volume Training: If you're a newbie looking for somewhere to start, look no further. This introductory course breaks down the important foundations of being a lash tech. It includes two days of training that lasts 6-8 hours per day. Each day you bring a different model to practice what you've learned from your hands on learning. This course also offers lunch and an optional extra free day of training that you can claim up to a year after your course if you feel that you need the extra practice! In addition to learning the technical skills needed to be a lash artist, this course also offers information on how to create an online presence to help your business, as well as an ongoing mentorship from April.
Master Volume Training: Looking to take the next step in your lash artist career? This course helps you round out your lash artist business with tools to elevate your styling, lash maps, speed with tapping techniques, customer service, LASH MEKA's marketing tools and techniques to gain and keep customers & mega volume fanning. The class will be extremely hands on with work sheet, goal sheets and hours set aside to master the fanning. April will look into your businesses individually to help customize a plan to elevate your instagram, booking technique, price menu, branding & deep dive into whats next for you as a business.
Mega Volume Fanning Workshop: A lil workshop to help practice your fanning techniques. You will include some volume fanning basics, various techniques on creating mega volume lashes and MORE! No live models. This training will have you feeling confident in your mega volume lashing ability by the time you leave!
Online Training
Perfect for the girls who want to learn the skills from us, but maybe aren't located in Hawaii! Available to anyone, our online course features multiple modules that cover all of the important information that is gone over during our in person training! A kit must be purchased separately to be able to properly get the most out of this long distance experience
Online Resources
Lash Artist to Salon Owner Ebook: My step by step guide from Lash Artist to salon owner. This E-book has 13 pages packed with my personal tips, check list's and story on how I lashed from home for 2 years, moved to a solo studio then opened a salon.
"The Art of Being on Brand" Instagram Ebook: Need a little introductory course on how to help your business succeed and standout on Instagram?! This e-book will go over all of the basics as well as tips and tricks that I've personally tried and tested, so you can get RELEVANT information to help you become efficient and consistent! Although I provide information that is specific to lash artists, anyone can download this e-book to better help them "on the gram."